Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Single Moms You Can Work From Home

I raised my daughter before there was the opportunity to work from home. I paid over a thousand
dollars for an online medical billing course, which I aced by the way. Only I found out that most of the doctor's offices around me all send their billing to third party billing services. They do not hire inexperienced (even if certified) individuals  to accomplish getting their bills paid from the home of the individual.

I went out to the local hospitals only to find out that they do their billing in-house at t he hospital.
Plus, they do not hire those who have not actually done
billing in a facility for experience. Now I was told that
my certificate qualified as experience. Found out the hard
way that working from home was so much more of a challenge
than I thought.

Now, yes I did get to write off thE
expense on my taxes for education.
So that was a plus, but now I found out that
No Experience when looking online actually means
at least two years experience physically doing
the work required.

My whole goal was to work from home. To not have to work full time for what was 5 dollar minimum wage at the time. Working full-time only to pay the baby sitter over 75% of my paycheck to the daycare just so I could work.

Crushed and feeling defeatedI took a job over an hour and half away through a temping agency for third party medical billing. Only to have the Director of Operations pull me aside and tell me he wanted to take me on fulltime and give me  a raise. I was elated.

Only it was never acted on. I found out through a phone message received once I got home on a Tuesday three weeks later that the employer had contacted the temping agency.  The message from the temping agency was that my services were no longer needed at this facility.

What had happened was I was honest.  Here goes, not kidding. The account I was given was screwed up because the previous account holder had processed payment for  a doctor at the facility who happened to be on vacation for a month in another country.

I had sifted through the scans and brought this to the attention of the wife of the provider who had not gotten paid. I had been keeping a professional relationship with the doctors through voicemail and email. The place where the temping agency had employed me through hired a bunch of interns to go through the old scans to find out where the error had occurred.

Being completely honest in my communication with the provider' wife, she was informed of the day to to day on goings of the account. Both the provider and his wife were very grateful and had sent me a voicemail asking to take me out to lunch personally. Not with the company or through the company.

Following the policy of the employer as always I forwarded the voice mails received from the provider to my Director of Operations. After which, he avoided me when I tried to settle the issue of the raise and being taken on as an employee through the company and no longer just being a temp.

Not only did all this happen but I was naive and I did not realize that at the time I could have gotten unemployment through the temping agency because I had been employed at this employer for over three months. They just kept getting me job interviews and would call me to tell me that I was still under consideration.

Finally, I decided to hit the local newspapers and responded to an opportunity to work in a doctors office. I got an interview. I will never forget this, years later it stays with me. I responded to  a question with "not me personally" and the doctor who owned the office expressed his gratitude for how I answered the question.

I had an employer now who let me bring my daughter to work with me. I was able to work a full day without having to give over half of what I made that day to a sitter.

I will always cherish what the employer did for me. They were very helpful and understood my situation. It became like a second home to me.

Today the ability to work from home is so much more accessible to the average single mom. You can work from home without experience. You can help out with the bills and not have to pay a daycare full time.

I found out when I put my daughter into daycare that you have to pay for the space. Meaning even if you have days off during the week you still have to pay for a full time placement. I will never forget being out one day. I was at the laundromat on  a Wednesday with my daughter. I ran into someone I knew and this person was baffled that my daughter was not at the daycare. As I talked with her she spoke of how her child went to daycare even on her days off because she was responsible for paying even if the child wasn't there.

I never felt right about dropping my daughter off at a sitter or a daycare if I did not have to work.

Ways to make money  Online in your own time do exist. It's not the product your selling 
it's your expertise. 

If you are a single Mom and would love to give advice on things like make up and 

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Social Networking Services

                                      Social Networking Services 

Did you know that you can get free followers? Simply gain credit in facebook groups. Make your Own Facebook Page for FREE. 


What To Do To Gain Social Media Followers

Chat with those in these groups. Show that you are interested in there content.

Offer advice. Free advice. Nothing leading to your blog or affiliate links.

You have to establish yourself as credible. In which case others will feel okay when liking and reposting back.

What is SPAMMING? It is when you only post about yourself and what you have to offer.
Join a forum about your topic, service, or product and answer questions then add your link for more info. 

You have to engage. Show interest in others and they will return the favor.

Free Facebook Likes
On Facebook you can join Link for Link and Like for Like groups, Like for Like Ladder has helped my audience grow greatly!!

You have got to put in the leg work and show honest interest in what others are sharing and what they have to say.

When someone comments on your post you then return the favor.

This is a great way to gain facebook followers. Real Facebook followers.

Be willing to give what you get. 

They have a platform on the internet called Twitterfall. Simply sign up for free. 
Once there you can type in your keywords and see who is posting on their feed for these or about these key words. It then gives you the option  to DM them or to respond their comment.    Find me on Twitter

Join My FaceBook Group  Join, Like, Share and I Will Return the favor. 

What not to do to gain likes/follows

Do not buy them! 

Do not randomly message people with your products/services links

Do Not randomly find threads to just drop  your link in.

 Email me if you have any Further questions or concerns

JobAggravations@gmail.com  I'm Here to Help! 📊📊📊📊