Friday, May 1, 2015

Marketing Strategy Ideas for Social Media.

At first  I promoted family and friends. A sister in-law who only managed to find family and friends who wanted to add to her order but did not want to make a monthly commitment even though they thought and I quote  "the products are great."


My Mom joined and she got a coworker to join only  
to,unfortunately, pass away a few months later. (the coworker)

    "They" Say 7 is a Lucky Number
What didn't work for me.......

1.) Asked businesses of local stores to put flyers in bags that I had made up that included advertisement for their business and surrounding businesses as well, only
 to find out upon going back
that the flyers were either
 under a counter display or
had been disposed of within
 the same day of double
 checking on their distribution.

2.)Was able to put flyers in the windows of stores only to find out upon follow up
that they had been taken down
within that same week.

 3.)Was also given a short URL to be promoted for Free through this service at certain time frames and  people got irritated with the constant promotion and either defriended or unfollowed me due to the constant promotion of the my link. 

4.)Put up a free page on Facebeook and got no more likes than those of family and friends even after having paid to have it advertised.  

5.)Went door to door with flyers promoting free information meetings at the local library discussing how easy it would be to simply switch stores and make money and only got a couple of unemployed prospects looking to make a quick buck. 

6.)Paid $300 dollars for a sitebuild it site. Went through the training required on how to promote my site using Key Words and Htmls. Went through how to learn how to get free advertisement on my website only to get discouraged that no traffic was being drawn to my website. The people of whom I decided to exchange links with ended up having broken links within a few weeks of exchanging links.

7.)I went to my local newspaper and put in an ad to work at home and left my contact information for people to call. The only prospects who called had no interest in making any kind of commitment up front financially and most were broke and hard up for cash and wanted a quick buck without the need to invest upfront in anyway shape or form.

Now sitebuildit is a very reputable site. If used right it is a very useful tool. They walk you through step by step on how to build and set up a useful website. And there pricing is very reasonable as most other places charge a monthly fee for maintaining your site which is called a Host Fee and SiteBuild it does not do this there fee is an annual fee. They have very useful tools on how to build a website successfully. 

Also OrangeLeads  for FREE offers very useful and helpful  tools on how to promote your website. My experience should not reflect badly on social network for success. You have to get to know networking as a tool for continued success in your business. Although my experience did not turn out as I planned I do not blame the options that I chose. You really have to have patience and understanding the online marketing world in order to truly understand how the process works.

It can be frustrating but Patience pays off. If I were you I would make up business cards instead of flyers and ask to leave them at your local doctors offices and other businesses that may have the option for you to do so. Offer to include information for that particular business on the card if that is what will help you promote your business.  Investment is key. People don't realize that there is always an upfront cost for a job to begin with. Most jobs hold back a paycheck for a week, make u buy work clothes and/or supplies. 

I mean do we not use our gas money to get to our job? Do we not buy things that are specifically required for a job like work boots or uniforms? Yes, Yes we do. But when they think online advertising they automatically think scam, Which is not the case always. You have to make them see the bigger picture. You have to make them understand the value of your product ,not just the want but the actually need that would benefit them. THIS IS NOT A JOB ITS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR PASSIVE INCOME.