Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Best Ways to Make Passive Income

Wouldn't you love to work from home, make your own hours, be your own boss. Where comfortable clothes?

Plenty of opportunities exist  now a days to make a decent valid living from home. No more needing work clothes, interview clothes. You can work from home and be your own Virtual boss.

Please let me help you find out how. I just posted a blog about a very dangerous situation I was in years ago. Only at the time being young and naive I did not see it as that.

Stay home and stay safe. Avoid the horrible winter driving conditions. The sleet, freezing rain, ice and snow.

You can earn a paycheck even if you are sick and could not ordinarily go into work and lose a days worth of pay.

Some jobs do offer sick pay but even that is limited. But to make passive income from home and not have to stress being injured or sick and knowing that you can still get income for bills even if your situation doesn't help you be able to work.

Being independent and not having to depend on someone else to put a roof over your head and food on the table is a great way to live life.

Dress comfortably and make that cup of coffee and earn that money to get the bills paid.


When I was a young Mom I took courses online with the promise of being able to buy my own software and work from home.

After a lot of hustling and interviewing and trying to sell myself I realized a lot well trusted established networking among other job seekers already existed, therefore they were getting the employment opportunities.

I was a one woman show out there doing everything I could to try and build a business from scratch, educated and determined.

But that was years ago when the options that exist today didn't.

It is so much easier to be your own boss and make your own hours in this day and age.

So take this time to invest in yourself and others will see that you are worth their time.

Make the best of any situation with your independence and perseverance!!

Start today. 

Get even more great work from home jobs near you, so close they are right at your fingertips. E-mail JobAggravations@gmail.com for more ways to make money online.

You can start your own E-Buisiness and never have to stress the thought of the a due date for a bill again!!

                            I look forward to hearing from you. :-)

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Work From Home Side Job

Side Job you you can work from Home

So, I met a guy at work. He was more than twenty years my senior. I was young then only 25. He kept coming in and we would just talk. This went on for months. I thought nothing of it.

He was very sweet, listened. He would remember things that I had talked about in out previous conversations. One day I go in and the phone rings.

My coworker informs me that the phone is for me. I was confused at first. I was a little upset, thought something was wrong with my young daughter, thinking it was the daycare I took the call.
It turns out it was this guy that I had been chatting with. He was a truck driver. I worked the store at the time for a Travel Centers. Truckers frequented this establishment. They all were very talkative.

 I usually ignored the chatter but this guy seemed safe. He was soo much older and did not live in the state. I felt as though nothing would come of it. Thinking this is why I did not mind the conversations with him.

This phone call kind of threw me. He stated that he had given up trucking and was overseas volunteering his time for the armed forces. I chatted with him about his time there and hung up,

These phone calls continued for a couple months. I did not really think anything of them. As he was not even in the country at the time. No threat was felt by me. I thought as though he considered me a friend as I did him.

As we talked he remembered how I had told him a trip to Paris that I had taken years ago and how I so badly wanted to visit again.

He told me how he was due back in the state and he had made a lot of money volunteering there and had booked a trip to Paris for two. Him and I talked of what I thought of at the time as the fantasy of the trip.

Then one day I went home, I found a delivery slip. It turned out a computer had been delivered to me.  I opened the door to my storage unit and there it was. I was so elated.

I immediately took it inside and got it set up. I called my cable company and got internet set up. I was so enthralled I stayed up half the night searching the internet. This was before FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM and TWITTER.

It turns out my "friend" had it delivered to me as a surprise. During out next conversation while at work I couldn't express my gratitude enough.

 He ended up with my email address and we chatted while he was overseas. He spoke of his tumultuous relationship with his commanding officers there. I praised him for mindset and was glad that he stuck up for himself.

He then spoke of how he lost his temper with a leading general there and let him have it.
I praised him for doing so. Still at this point never thinking he had my home address and my email address. He also knew where I worked. I felt safe as he did not know my home phone number and he at this point was not in the states.

He ended up injuring himself and got sent back to the states sooner than expected. Once back he started trucking again and was stopping into my work like before. He claimed the trip to Paris was nonrefundable and that he still had the trip all paid for and even a villa. On one visit he asked me if I would bunk with him or if I would get a room of my own "hypothetically". Supposedly.

I told him that there was no way in Hell I would actually take such a trip with someone that I did not know well enough to on. I admitted I did not feel as though I felt I knew him well enough to take that kind of trip with.

Once the idea of the trip was off, he talked of me moving to Texas with him to pursue a relationship. I told him of my very abusive relationship with my daughters father and he was a vigilante on insisting he would rough him up if he tried anything. Made me feel secure and safe.

After this I did reach out about my encounter thus far to my Mom. She pointed out that I would not know anyone there. I did  not have a cent to my name and I knew noone there. What would I do? That was a good point.

 I would only know his family and his friends. So what if things didn't work out? Of course his friends and family would side with him. With no job and no money

 I would be dependent on him. She made a valid point as this is why I left my daughter's father in the first place. He had the driver's license and the better paying job when we were together.

I had to sleep on a friend's couch and save up till I could get on my own feet. That was a horrible point in my life and I did not want to go through that again.

I was proud of myself at this point for standing on my own two feet and I did not want to be in that situation again.

 At first, I thought of it as a great outlet to get away from my abusive ex. But then I realized I would only be using him, my so called "friend" as an out. Not Smart.

So in further conversations I vehemently denied wanting to take my daughter away from her father and that even though him and I did not get along I did not want to take her relationship with him away.

 My so called "friend" had not respect for that and seemed to be agitated by this. This should have been an immediate red flag. No actual concern for my daughter. I didn't see it then, wish I had.

One day he happened to be at where I worked and needed a ride to a store to get somethings.

As a friend I offered to take him to get what he needed as his truck was in the shop. On this ride we ended up talking about his friend. He said he had a friend that was his age and married to someone my age and how happy they were.

While out shopping we ended up grabbing a bite to eat. While lunching he spoke of how happy his friend was and how he felt that their age difference was a good thing in their marriage. I felt very uncomfortable about this. I reiterated the fact  that I like being single.

We barely spoke on the ride back. He spoke briefly of his son who had ADD and would be getting out of prison soon.  He told me how he had a classic car that could be his son's if he was as he put a  "good boy" when he got out.

After this lunch he then stopped into the place where I worked a few days later. He told me of a promiscuous 14 year old girl he knew. He told me that the  Mom had to nail her window shut to keep her from sneaking boys in. He said she was a friend of the family. More accurately his ex wife was related to this girl and he still spoke to his ex-wife who had told him of this girl.

He was telling me how because he could not get  a refund for the Paris trip that he had planned that he had invited this 14 year old girl to go with him. This weirded me out.

He said that she spoke to him of how she wrote all about the trip in her diary and bragged about it to her friends. He then told me since he got injured and got sent back to the states he found out that the pay he was expecting was not in his favor. So, in the end he had to cancel the trip and had to pretty much eat the cost of the trip.

This 14 year old girl was very upset and let down. At this point I just felt uneasy.

I had gotten my tax return back and was forcefull                      
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about paying him back for the computer. I gave him
back the cost of the computer with great resistance
on his part. I felt so much better for doing this.

He then came in to where I worked and was telling me
how would drive past my house and blow his horn
to let me know it was him.
I asked why and he just smiled and said you know why.

After this I went out of my way to ignore him.
He still would call my work from time to time
while on the road and I would not take his calls.

I ended up moving. I got my phone turned off and got
a different phone number. I ended up quitting my job
where we met.

Having a different address and
a new phone number and job I felt as though
he was in the past.

Then a few weeks after moving my home phone rang.
It was silent at first and then he spoke.

He introduced himself and insisted that I let
him come over. I freaked out, Hung up and cried.

I felt as though I had done something to lead him on,
like it was my fault.

A couple days later I got yet another phone call
again him insisting I let him come over.

This was before internet phone, caller ID
.I told him very firmly
I am not interested in him coming
to my home and hung up.

Being young and naive feeling as though
it was may fault I foolishly
did not call the police nor tell anybody.

I got my phone number
changed and the phone calls
stopped. I have not heard
nor seen him since.

So Soo Glad that nowadays you can work from Home safely.
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