Thursday, December 14, 2017

Social Networking Services

                                      Social Networking Services 

Did you know that you can get free followers? Simply gain credit in facebook groups. Make your Own Facebook Page for FREE. 


What To Do To Gain Social Media Followers

Chat with those in these groups. Show that you are interested in there content.

Offer advice. Free advice. Nothing leading to your blog or affiliate links.

You have to establish yourself as credible. In which case others will feel okay when liking and reposting back.

What is SPAMMING? It is when you only post about yourself and what you have to offer.
Join a forum about your topic, service, or product and answer questions then add your link for more info. 

You have to engage. Show interest in others and they will return the favor.

Free Facebook Likes
On Facebook you can join Link for Link and Like for Like groups, Like for Like Ladder has helped my audience grow greatly!!

You have got to put in the leg work and show honest interest in what others are sharing and what they have to say.

When someone comments on your post you then return the favor.

This is a great way to gain facebook followers. Real Facebook followers.

Be willing to give what you get. 

They have a platform on the internet called Twitterfall. Simply sign up for free. 
Once there you can type in your keywords and see who is posting on their feed for these or about these key words. It then gives you the option  to DM them or to respond their comment.    Find me on Twitter

Join My FaceBook Group  Join, Like, Share and I Will Return the favor. 

What not to do to gain likes/follows

Do not buy them! 

Do not randomly message people with your products/services links

Do Not randomly find threads to just drop  your link in.

 Email me if you have any Further questions or concerns  I'm Here to Help! πŸ“ŠπŸ“ŠπŸ“ŠπŸ“Š

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Short Link Generator.

How Do I Shrink My Links?

Get Shrinking those links
Short Link Generator
So Easy.

Affiliate marketing made easy. Shorten your links and Sell Online. Plus you still get your affiliate commissions.

It is as easy as singing up with your facebook account. No fees, free. You upload links, shrink links and you will earn in two ways all at once.

You can even shrink your  blog link or even your website link and get paid every time someone clicks on  you link for your blog.

It's so easy. It will take five seconds for your visitor to view the site that pops up.

No other link shrinking opportunity allows you to make a profit from shrinking your link.

Shrinking your links makes it easier for you to post your links on social media and for you to be able to promote your links anywhere even on your own blog.


Marketing Help

You Market a.k.a  'try to sell "yourself when you go on interviews.
Do it online. On your time.  Not in an environment where you have 
to prove who you are in sea of others doing the exact same thing you do. 


People are always looking for a solution to a Problem.
Be that Solution! Guide and Provide!!!

So you had to find a new way to do something.... It  happens.

Learning from our mistakes is how we grow as people.

Influencing others to employ the tactics learned after a mistake was
realized..... Accomplishment on your part. Makes you LπŸ‘€k Good.

How do you make Good Quality Content?

Here's how.... Type away..... Always get all your thoughts out on a topic in a draft. 
Take time to take a brake and reread later before publishing. 

    Wouldn't you trust someone's opinion if you felt comfortable knowing they took who you are as a
person into consideration first? Rather than a complete Stranger telling you to do or not do something?

I always use google trends to see what's Trending on the topic I am working on
so that I can touch on the current questions being asked and find the answers needed
for my readers. 

Did you know that your Social Media platforms are mini search engines?
If you type in a topic you have not searched before it will give you same ore
similar statements or questions that were searched which can give you an idea
of what to base your Article/Blog post a.k.a. Website content around. 

This shows  relevance of the subject matter so that your blog will be centered around what you 
are offering as far as an affiliate link or services being rendered ,while providing the guidance your 
audience is reaching out to you for. 

You are basically getting paid to give Advice. How cool is that?
Marketing you Markets the product. 

If you build it they will come....πŸ—   

Gain Acceptance on a  Personal level make it about who you are and what you have to offer. This is what makes the products sell themselves!!!!!   

Do you wear Makeup up? Would you be willing to write an Article about your experience wearing a certain kind of lipstick? Put a post and write a fun and informative, or even funny Article about your Experience with lipstick? What about eyeshadow? Foundation? Mascara?  If so then you should Join my Team and get paid to give people online shopping Ideas. πŸ“’   

Buy products you already buy and make πŸ’°πŸ’°   commissions online off of your own order. 

And.. And ..And...

You can own your Very Own online Beauty Supply store!!!! No Inventory or OverHead!!

Share your link for Free πŸ˜€

Passive Income will change your life⚡

 Niche it up!!
Pick your interest.
Blog about it is to brag about it.
BE the Expert you know you already are! Let others see the knowledge and passion in you.
Book Learning isnt the only way we gain expertise. Life Experience has taught you a lot.
Get the word out. Let others see what you see, hear what you hear.